

連續退火銅大拉 Continuous Annealing Copper Rod Breakdown

連續退火銅大拉 Continuous Annealing Copper Rod Breakdown

HLC—450/13型連續退火銅大拉 Continuous Annealing Copper Rod Breakdown Machine 本機供電線(xiàn)電纜廠(chǎng)拉制φ1.2~φ3.5的圓銅線(xiàn),可拉制硬銅線(xiàn)和連續退火軟銅線(xiàn)。本機拉線(xiàn)鼓輪采用串列式排列,定速輪和其它12道拉線(xiàn)鼓輪分別由二臺直流電機拖動(dòng),可進(jìn)行快速換模,極大地方便了操作。 This machine is made for producing φ1.2~φ3.5 round-shaped copper wire for the wire and cable factory.the drawing capstan are arranged in tandem ,finish capstan and other 12 drawing capstans are seperately dragged by 2 DC machines.This can change the mould fast and make the operation simpler to a large extent. 電控系統采用西門(mén)子裝置,數字通訊,全線(xiàn)PLC控制,人機界面。 The electrical control is installed with the original Siemens control system,all lines are PLC controlled and human-computer interface 本機收線(xiàn)可配置雙盤(pán)自動(dòng)收線(xiàn)裝置及成圈下線(xiàn)裝置。 The Drawing of this machine can be equipped with dual auto take-up device and coiler take-up device.

一、設備簡(jiǎn)述 brief introduction to the equipment


This machine is made for producing φ1.2φ3.5 round-shaped copper wire for the wire and cable factory.the drawing capstan are arranged in tandem ,finish capstan and other 12 drawing capstans are seperately dragged by 2 DC machines.This can change the mould fast and make the operation simpler to a large extent.


The electrical control is installed with the original Siemens control system,all lines are PLC controlled and human-computer interface


The Drawing of this machine can be equipped with dual auto take-up device and coiler take-up device.

、主要技術(shù)參數main technical parameters

1、進(jìn)線(xiàn)直徑inline wire Dia.  max.                      φ8  mm

2、出線(xiàn)直徑  outlet wire Dia.   max.                   φ1.2~φ3.5  mm

3、拉線(xiàn)、退火速度 drawing,annealing spped  max         25    m/s 

4、拉伸道次    number of drafts       max              13    


Dia. of drawing capstan (equal Dia.)                       φ450    mm

6、最大模具尺寸 Max. mould size                     φ43×35  mm

7、成圈收線(xiàn)容量 coiler take-up volume                2 t

收線(xiàn)范圍  take-up range                       φ3.5φ1.6  mm

收線(xiàn)速度  take-up speed max.                   15  m/s

8、雙盤(pán)收線(xiàn)盤(pán)規格  type of dual take-up            PND630  PND500

9、最大退火電流   Max.annealing curent             6000   A

10、最大退火電壓   Max.annealing voltage            55      V

11、拉線(xiàn)主電機  drawing host   

           型號  type        Z4-315-12

功率  power       280  kw

12、定速輪電機   electric machine of finish capstan    

型號    type      Z4-200-21

功率    power     75  kw

13、雙盤(pán)收線(xiàn)電機 dual take-up motor

           型號   type       Z4-160-31

功率   power      30x2 kw

14、主機潤滑油泵  oil pump of host lubrication

                                        CBZ-50  50L/min  3 kw


Wire length in accumulator  max.                  5.2  m

16、儲線(xiàn)輪最大行程   max. stroke of accumulator ring  840  mm

17、使用壓縮空氣壓力(氣源用戶(hù)自理)pressure of required compressed air

(the air source are resolved by the buyer)                     0.4~0.6 Mpa

18、電蒸汽爐加熱功率  lectric vapour heating power    9 kw

三、設備組成equipment comprises:

1、放線(xiàn)架        pay-off stand               1套

2、拉線(xiàn)機主機(包括主電機、定速輪電機      1套

host of wire drawing (including electric host and finish capstan electric host)

3、連續退火裝置                              1套

Continuous annealing device

4、儲線(xiàn)裝置       accumulator                1套

5、雙盤(pán)收線(xiàn)裝置  dual take-up device            1套

6、成圈收線(xiàn)裝置   coiler take-up deivce      1套

7、拉線(xiàn)主機潤滑裝置  drawing host lubrication device      1套

8、軋頭穿模機          wire pointer  and stripper         1套

9、電氣控制柜    electric control cabinet                 1套

10、電蒸爐      electric vapour furnace                        1套

四、設備技術(shù)特點(diǎn)characteristics of equipment

1、拉線(xiàn)牙箱整體鑄造,與分體拼結結構相比,剛性大大提高,不會(huì )變形,密封性好,不會(huì )產(chǎn)生漏水、漏油等現象。

Xx is founded in whole*,compare with being founded seperately,the xx has been enhanced and its not easily transfigurable,its leak-free from water, oil etc.


Wire stretcher is equipped with high-qualified inclining gear transmission,omnidirectionally processed. High-gear is quenched and the drawing capstan is made of medium carbon steel matrix with tungsten carbide sprayed on the surface


Cooling adoption of semi-dipping lubrication ensures the wire and the mould being cooled and lubricatd efficiently.


The annealing device is inclination type and its easy to operate because of the lowered height. The design of airway makes the back of fire-ring more simple and convenient for maintenace.


Dual take-up design is advanced and transmission parts are dynamic balancing emendated,using a air-started system and electric communication to control the changer is good for stablity and a high success rate of capture.because of the air-starting control,the workplace can be tidy and clean ,this solved the oil-leaking problem of liquid pressure system.


Drawing host, finish capstan,coiling take-up and dual drawing motor are all imported from Siemens,all line PLC controlled with a human-computer interface.This makes the command and adjust of running situationa and parameters easy,and it is error-detection possible.  


Finish capstan has a water-cooling or wind-cooling device,can cool of the capstan while drawing.